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QA winners

Synchro Arts managing director Jeff Bloom (right) with co-director John Ellwood, with the firm's Emmy Award for Technology and Engineering

Continuing our series profiling this year’s Queen’s Awards winners, we catch up with another of the 128 companies awarded in the international trade category, the largest of four sections in the prestigious competition.

Revealed on 21 April, the companies cited in the international trade section of the 2020 Queen’s Awards for Enterprise will surely count themselves fortunate this year.

That is, not just for being recognised by the globally-famous competition but for winning in another, tougher test – that of managing through the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Synchro Arts, supplier of audio technology to the entertainment industry

Synchro Arts is one of the true unsung heroes of the music and film world. 

On countless platinum-selling and Grammy-winning music albums, in numerous Emmy-winning TV shows such as Game of Thrones and Chernobyl and in Oscar-winning films like Roma and Once Upon A Time in Hollywood, the Epsom-based company has played a part. 

Put simply, the company’s software makes audio editing easier, in aligning vocals and correcting voice pitches to save hours of editing time.

Synchro Arts is no stranger to winning awards: in 2019, it was the only UK company to receive a coveted Technology and Engineering Emmy award. 

Multiple winner

It is also in the Queen’s Awards elite group, as one of only four UK companies to win two 2020 Queen’s Awards for Enterprise: one for Innovation and the other for International Trade. 

Managing director and founder Jeff Bloom believes the awards will boost the firm’s profile in the small world of pro-audio technology providers.
“These awards will make our company stand out and be attractive to potential partners and new staff, by indicating our company has been recognised at the highest level for its product success, innovative expertise and customer satisfaction,” he tells the Daily Update.

Bloom is equally proud of the company’s performance during the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Fully active

“Our company has been extremely fortunate to not only have received these two awards for our business success over the past six years, but also for being able to remain fully active during this terrible Covid-19 situation.”

Synchro Arts has continued to develop its products and grow sales of its audio processing software, via the internet.  

“This is largely because our customers have also remained working professionally or for themselves in the music, film and TV industries, generating content for a media-hungry world,” Bloom concludes. “Our software makes their jobs faster and easier.”


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