This article was published before we became the Chartered Institute of Export & International Trade on 10 July 2024, and this is reflected in references to our old brand and name. For more information about us becoming Chartered, visit our dedicated webpage on the change here.

International Ministerial Visits

The Department for International Trade has begun publishing a list  of the countries the International Trade Secretary, Liam Fox, and his Ministers will be visiting up to April 2018.

The department is inviting firms to have their say on 'in market' issues about the countries. 

Over the next few months DIT Ministers will be visiting a range of countries - both in and outside the EU - to boost the UK’s trade and investment relationships. If you think Ministerial engagement in these countries can benefit your business, the Department for International Trade is inviting you to get in touch.  

DIT International Ministerial Visits (January – March 2018):

February - India

February - Bulgaria

February - Spain

February - Belgium

March - Hong Kong

March -  Netherlands

March - United States

To get in touch email, please ensure you:

- email from a business email address
- include a link to a company website and a contact phone number

Trade News

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24 January, 2018

Small businesses set to ramp up investment as confidence edges back

23 January, 2018

New restrictions on surveillance equipment exports

23 January, 2018

Export Awards Finalists Announced