
Information for employers

The Chartered Institute of Export & International Trade's Professional Qualifications are widely recognised as providing both employers and employees with the necessary international business practice linked to satisfying career planning and development. They enhance the reputation of the employer both in the eyes of participating staff and the commercial world in general.

The Professional Qualifications can provide quantifiable benchmarks for measuring employee performance and structuring career expectations.

Graduates can be found working initially in Export Sales, Marketing and Support Administration functions and are usually better able to transfer easily to other Export functions.

For many of the professions such as Law, Finance and Human Resources, the Chartered Institute's qualifications provide the essential foundations for international business careers.

For our Business Members the Institute offers guidance on the structure and content of education and training programmes geared towards improving international business competence and, ultimately, commercial performance.

Work based projects

As part of a Chartered Institute qualification, students will plan, research and implement a work-based project that will act as a useful strategic management tool in each of the main topics they study. This offers the company sponsoring the student a set of 4 papers covering the impact of:

1) The Changing Business Environment

2) Market Research and Marketing in new markets

3) Finance of International Trade Risk Mitigation and FX

4) Compliance issues on Delivery and Documentation

Each paper will produce a useful piece of work based on the company’s own product or offering which allows the student to gain the new knowledge to be useful in the business. This style of work-based projects ensures that all study is relevant to the students business context. Working on these projects using the organisation’s structure provides excellent opportunities for the student to apply theoretical ideas in real world contexts.

The employee will essentially become a practitioner-researcher to undertake each project, producing 4 pieces of work with the potential to yield tangible benefits for the sponsor business.


To discuss our qualifications:
Call +44 (0)1733 404400

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Why choose a Chartered Institute of Export & International Trade qualification?

Why choose a Chartered Institute of Export & International Trade qualification? Our career-boosting qualifications equip students with the professional and academic skills to succeed in international business.