
Inward or outward processing

Our customs experts can support you to apply for and use inward or outward processing reliefs to manage cashflow and optimise your supply chains.

Inward processing is used to relieve you from paying customs duties and import VAT on goods that are imported from outside the UK for processing.

Outward processing allows you to temporarily export goods from the UK for processing or repair in an overseas country and then claim full or partial duty relief when the goods are re-imported.

What the service covers

We support traders by reviewing your existing compliance processes and written records to ensure you can successfully apply for either inward or outward processing authorisations.

We will also provide ongoing support with your post-authorisation requirements.

How to book

Our consultancies can last for different periods of time depending on the needs and extent of support your business needs.

Complete the enquiry form below and we will be in touch to discuss your needs.

Enquire now

Once we receive your enquiry we will be in touch to discuss your needs

Call us:

+44 1733 404400