
Customs warehousing

Get expert support with your application to use customs warehousing so that you can optimise your import processes as well as suspend import duty and VAT payments.

Customs warehousing allows traders to hold imported goods under duty suspension, with tariff and VAT payments only becoming payable once the goods are released into free circulation.

If the goods are re-exported from the customs warehouse, duty and import VAT will not be payable. Customs warehousing can therefore be useful for companies who import goods for storage or distribution.

Our customs expert will help you apply to use customs warehousing, reviewing your existing compliance processes and recommending the steps you need to take to fulfil the application criteria.

We will also provide ongoing support with your post-authorisation requirements.

How to book

Our consultancies can last for different periods of time depending on the needs and extent of support your business needs.

Complete the enquiry form below and we will be in touch to discuss your needs.

Enquire now

Once we receive your enquiry we will be in touch to discuss your needs

Call us:

+44 1733 404400