Control list classification service reinstated

Mon 25 Jun 2018
Posted by: William Barns-Graham
Trade News

Export stamp and files

The Department for International Trade’s Export Control Joint Unit reinstated its export control list classification advisory service as of 09:30am on Monday 25 June 2018.

The advisory service is for the assessment of goods and technology against the UK strategic export control lists, and is available via the SPIRE online processing system.

SPIRE allows exporters to apply for export or trade licenses for goods that are subject to ‘strategic’ controls - including security items, military goods, civilian products designed with a military use or purpose, and more.

Notice to exporters 2018/15: control list classification service to return on 25 June

Reinstated for first time since 2014

The service had been suspended since June 2014 as a result of staffing and resource pressures. Many of these pressures came about due to the need for the imposition of new sanctions and embargoes.

Exporters are asked to limit each of their enquiries to a maximum of 4 items and to avoid making multiple enquiries; this is to allow all enquirers equal access to the service.

Exporters are recommended to consider the items they are looking to export against the export control legislation before submitting their enquiries.

In effect, the service is recommended for use once exporters have done all they can themselves in terms of reading through the export control legislation.

The guidance from the advisory service is based solely on the information presented by the exporters - no further research is conducted by the advisers.

The service should essentially be used for points of clarification. Assessments against goods within sanction lists will not be available.

Welcome news for exporters

The resumption of these classification advisory services are welcome news for exporters, helping companies to gain clarification where needed, and therefore helping them to export more confidently.

Companies new to Export Controls and Licenses should watch this introductory Open to Export webinar: