This article was published before we became the Chartered Institute of Export & International Trade on 10 July 2024, and this is reflected in references to our old brand and name. For more information about us becoming Chartered, visit our dedicated webpage on the change here.

Customs process

HMRC is seeking input on what it calls the ‘future of customs’ and is inviting all those who trade goods internationally to send in their views.

The call for evidence is looking for traders from companies of all sizes to give their views on potential simplifications to customs declarations and the way that businesses use technology in completing declarations and other customs processes.

Streamlining this process, as well as using new technology to complete customs paperwork, are the two main aims of the inquiry.

Traders wanted

According to HMRC, freight forwarders, hauliers, customs software providers and international traders are likely to be particularly interested in submitting evidence.

The consultation opened yesterday (29 June) and will run for 10 weeks, with an expected closing date of 8 September 2023.

HMRC will also be hosting webinars on the 5 and 13 July, where policy officers from the department will be explaining the questions and how to respond to them.

TA improvements

Another, overlapping, consultation is being launched on the Temporary Admissions (TA) process, with HMRC looking for industry views on how to improve the import mechanism.

The process applies when goods are temporarily imported into the UK – or moved to Northern Ireland from Great Britain – before later being re-exported.

The consultation will focus on the following aspects:

  • eligibility for and restrictions on using TA
  • accessing TA
  • the costs and benefits of using TA
  • how businesses and individuals find out about and understand TA
  • how TA can be improved

This call for evidence will run for 12 weeks, having started yesterday as well, ending on 22 September.

EORI campaign

In a separate customs update, HMRC has written to businesses with an address in Great Britain to ask them to provide evidence of either a permanent business establishment in Northern Ireland or to let the government know if they need their XI EORI for one of the permitted reasons.

Business without a need to retain their XI EORI were told they did not need to respond and their XI EORI will be invalidated after six weeks.

The campaign is primarily focused on GB businesses that received their XI EORI number before 14 September 2021. If a business did not receive a letter from HMRC on this subject, there is no need to contact HMRC, according to the Joint Customs Consultative Committee.