The government is inviting businesses to input their thoughts and feedback into its future border strategy through a series of online workshops this month.
The UK – having recently regained sovereignty over its border after formally leaving the EU in January this year – is hoping to develop a “world class border” by 2025.
A public consultation inviting businesses and industry to share ideas and evidence to help government develop the ‘2025 UK Border Strategy’ was launched last month.
As part of the consultation, the government’s Border and Protocol Delivery Group is running a series of online workshops across different aspects of the trade landscape, from logistics to data.
IOE&IT members are invited to join these workshops – listed below – and can register on Eventbrite using the password: BPDG2025.
All of the workshops start at 3pm in the afternoon and will last approximately 90 minutes.
Logistics – Monday 10 August
Ports and Rail Freight – Tuesday 11 August
Aviation / Air Freight – Wednesday 13 August
Businesses and trade associations – Thursday 14 August 2020
Customs – Tuesday 18 August
Passengers – Wednesday 19 August
Data and technology – Thursday 20 August
‘Crucial role’
Upon the launch of the consultation last month, IOE&IT director general Marco Forgione urged members to participate.
He said:
“This consultation is proof of the contribution of overseas trade to the UK’s future prosperity.
"Notable is that it singles out 'the border industry' as key responders. This means the community of firms that currently ensure the seamless movement of goods across borders are front and centre of the consultation.”