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MSc in International Trade, Strategy and Operations

Our most advanced course, delivered with WMG at the University of Warwick, this qualification is designed for anyone looking to take on senior roles at companies that trade internationally


1 year

Start Date:

30 Sept 2024

Developed in collaboration with WMG at the University of Warwick, this MSc provides a thorough knowledge and understanding of the management and operational requirements necessary to trade successfully in international markets.

The programme is designed to appeal to a wide range of participants looking to take on senior roles in companies which trade internationally.

It is relevant to all organisations trading internationally from engineering, retail, manufacturing, wholesale, financial services and service sector, the programme is heavily focused on the application of theory into practice and how the skills developed throughout your studies will be used to best advantage in a professional environment.

This MSc is relevant to managers of all organisations trading internationally, as well as Trade Advisors in sectors including engineering, retail, manufacturing, wholesale, financial services and the service sector. You will gain a comprehensive overview of how international companies operate and how you can contribute to successful international operations.

The breadth of the programme enables you to gain a clear overview of all the elements of international trade whilst giving the opportunity to also focus or specialise on a particular aspect of interest to you including: transportation and logistics, customs and the legal aspects of international business, business development relationship management and negotiation, and implementation of strategy.

This is a one year full-time course

Second Class undergraduate degree (or equivalent)

For details of the course structure and the core and elective modules that form part of this programme, please visit the following pages:

MSc course structure | WMG | University of Warwick

MSc International Trade, Strategy and Operations | University of Warwick

Full time: 1 year

The project is worth 50% of the final grade and supports you in developing your personal research skills. Work on your project runs concurrently with your module work. You are expected to devote an appropriate proportion of your time and intellectual effort to the project during the course i.e. approximately 900 hours or 6 months study.

The project should relate to one or more of the following aspects of trading in an international context:

  • International sales and marketing
  • Transport, logistics, supply chain and customs compliance
  • Financial management
  • Legal aspects of international trade
  • Business management and trade strategy
  • Operations and service management

The taught component of the course is a mixture of traditional lectured material, syndicate/group work, large-scale delivery, practical work, online learning and forum activities. Module leaders are experts in their fields and are supported by external speakers working in organisations at the forefront of their fields.

Industrial visits are available to all students and the course is assessed through post module assignments.

This programme will prepare graduates to take on a senior role within a company that trades internationally. The programme opens up a range of career options including transportation and logistics; customs and the legal aspects of international business; business development, relationship management and negotiation; implementation of strategy. The onus on the practical application of theory means graduates will be in the advantageous position of being able to take on a useful professional role right from the outset, thus maximising employment prospects.


Read more about the course:
MSc International Trade, Strategy and Operations | University of Warwick