Continuing professional development (CPD) is a commitment by members to continually update their skills and knowledge in order to remain professionally competent and to facilitate career development in international trade.

In addition to recognising the development of a member’s technical knowledge, our CPD programme takes into account the enhancement of the practical skills required to operate effectively and professionally in international business.

The Chartered Institute of Export & International Trade's CPD programme supports our mission “to enhance the international performance of the United Kingdom by setting and raising professional standards in International Trade Management practice”.

A year's subscription to the CPD programme costs just £38 a year


CPD Requirements

To gain your Continuing Professional Development certificate, you will need to secure a minimum of 100 CPD points per year, consisting of 50 from contemporary issues and 50 from generic. (explained further below).

You can secure CPD points through a wide range of activities associated with international trade but there are some limits on the type of activity that qualify. These are set out in the next tab.

You should record each activity in your online journal, selecting whether it relates to contemporary or generic issues and enter the appropriate points for the activity. You should also upload documentary evidence to support your claim. - this should include a document that gives:

  • A brief description of the activity
  • Your intended learning outcomes
  • How you benefited from and/or applied the learning outcomes of your activity
  • Your personal comments or observations

You should also include any other documents which may help us to approve your claim.

A list of eligible activity types and the CPD points that they attract is below

Private study

  • 1 point per hour
  • 10 points maximum

Private study would include technical reading of magazines and technical books on international trade, as well as technical research


  • 1 point per hour
  • 30 points maximum

Conferences would include seminars and meetings where technical subjects were discussed and developed


  • 1 point per hour
  • 30 points maximum

Meetings would include meetings where there were presentations/discussions on international trade and associated subjects, work-related meetings with international trade content and associated subjects, meetings with clients/associates/contacts where Technical aspects of international trade required researching and explaination to clients/associates/contacts

Chartered Institute activity

  • 1 point per hour
  • 30 points maximum

Chartered Institute activity would include attendance at official meetings such as the Academic Board, post-examination workshops, examination curriculum meetings

Imparting skills

  • 2 points per hour
  • 100 points maximum

Imparting skills and knowledge would include tutors, trainers and those presenting or teaching at seminars on international trade and associated subjects

Short courses

  • Points allocated per course as below

Short courses would include Chartered Institute courses and other short courses. The Chartered Institute courses show the CPD points that can be claimed. CPD points can be claimed for other courses but the number of points will depend on the level of the course. Level 2 courses will earn 10 points per day or 5 points per half day, a level 3 course will earn 15 points per day and 7.5 points per half day, a level 4 course will earn 20 points per day and 10 points per half day. Please contact Export House (see below) for clarification on the level of your course if it is not already shown on the course literature

Post-qualification studies

  • 100 points maximum

Post-qualification studies would include higher education in international trade or associated subjects leading towards a foundation degree, bachelors degree, masters degree or doctorate. It would also include higher level qualifications such as NVQ 4’s and NVQ 5’s in associated subjects. If you have any queries please contact Export House (see below) for clarification and guidance

Recognised qualifications

  • 100 points maximum

Recognised qualifications would include other formal qualifications that are associated with international trade such as relevant modules from CIPS, CILT etc

Contemporary issues – maximum 50 points per year

Contemporary issues are those activities over and above those necessary to perform your day job, which add to knowledge and enhance role performance. Some examples might include (depending on your job role):

  • Emerging markets
  • New EU relationship
  • International business structures…
  • JV’s, licensing, overseas investment, inward investment
  • Intellectual Property issues
  • Inter-cultural awareness and trading across cultures
  • Corruption/money laundering
  • Export/import controls
  • Social responsibility
  • International political environment
  • Risk management

Generic issues

Generic issues - maximum 50 points per year

Generic issues are those activities necessary to perform your day job. Some examples might include:

  • International trade skills and knowledge
  • Attending trade missions
  • Watching relevant webinars
  • Management development
  • Languages
  • Other areas of relevant study, including insurance, finance, marketing, logistics

Your CPD activity may involve developing your knowledge and skills in other fields (e.g. insurance, finance etc.)

Please contact us via the details below to claim the correct number of CPD points from courses or events not run by the Chartered Institute of Export & International Trade - we will provide guidance on the number of points you can claim, depending on the level of the course or event that you have attended. The points allocated could range from 7.5 points per day to 20.


For any questions regarding CPD:
Call +44 (0)1733 404400