Data from the World Bank shows that women make up a third of the workforce of exporting firms in developing countries, compared to 24% in non-exporting firms, indicating that businesses that trade internationally tend to have better female representation in these countries. 

According to the OECD, “helping women exploit these business opportunities, as well as upgrading women’s production in the value chain, could reduce adverse effects and maximise the gains from trade for women”. 

However, trade policy experts at the World Bank also argue that “women traders often face policy and legal obstacles and gender-biased sociocultural norms, higher tariff and nontariff barriers, and lack of access to technology, finance and education.” 

To mark International Women’s Day on 8 March, the Institute of Export & International Trade (IOE&IT) is running a free one-hour webinar looking at these barriers to trade for female entrepreneurs, as well as what policy and support initiatives are needed to address them.  

The webinar will largely consist of a chaired panel discussion, but you can ask questions in advance when completing the registration form.